Leslie like Mother Teresa,Princess Diana can touch and feel; perhaps she believes she can heal like them. Watching her on television, jolting with tears as she listened to a speech praising and defending her work, one saw signs of an almost delusional inner drama. If power corrupts the self, then absolute fame must surely distort it. Her enthusiasms are crankish, hypochondriac, self-obsessive: aromatherapy, colonic irrigation, the fool's gold of astrology. Leslie, I repeat, is "soft" news. She has unknowingly caused sensations by wearing a party dress or by gaining a kilo of weight or losing all that baby fat. She has made headlines with every wave of her hand, every twitch of her eyebrow. This is why when I heard this vulnerable,naive sweet lovely lady was being hopelessly pursued by a human bomber,it was obvious her beauty has managed and would create history--her metamorphosis into hard news--feels so savage. Suffering has enshrined her and frozen her in time. It has also fulfilled her own prophecy. She did have a gift for love: look at the people, in the millions, who are prayiong for her happiness. Leslie is a mirror, not a lamp. You look at her and saw your own ordinary humanity, written in lights. After all, everyone is a star, everyone is a prima donna, in the karaoke age.
On the larger scale, Leslie's contribution to Odisha orOrissa,India,history is both paradoxical and inadvertent. She will go down as the chief saboteur of the conservative Orthodoxical Odisha and India where her good works be it plantation,or educating the slum children or being Odisha's Cultural Touchstone or being the Modern,Articulate Famous face of Odisha in India or from India in the World has been written off.Much emphasize has been given to portray as a glam doll,not giving due credit to the beauty with brains.Leslie is a Woman of Substance like Sushmita Sen,but seems like after she is no more the world shall give credit to her courage,brains and her articulateness,like it happened with Diana,people realised her worth after shewas gone.Many people question why did this gold medallist in english chose to not to continue with her academics rather pursue glamour world,but its all destiny,she hasbeen fated to such a heavenly duty to suffer because she chose to serve people,if a lunatic falls in love with herafter meeting her only once in his lifetime you cant blame this beautiful girl rather the person who chose to inevitably pursue his Angel Queen,his Dream girl,thinking assuming he could get whatever he wanted,movies like Anjaam,Darr,Deewangi,Dastak have portrayed such obsession of a man for a beautiful girl very well.Its obvious her life has been covered in details by the tabloids and media channels and numerousmagazines,its obvious anybody who has never met this Ice Princess knows her and various details of her life as we know regarding Angelina Jolie,Aishwarya Rai. Why Lesliey stands out is because she has introduced an informality(she has no reservations regarding shaking hands with her fans or talking to them,she never misbehaves or ill treated her fans as mostof hercolleagues do,maybe its because of her kind compassionate heart people want to be with her,touch her,talk to her,get peace and nirvanalooking at her spiritual divine beautiful face,listening to her words of wisdom), a candid modernity, into a system that could offer no resistance to it; she has a beauty in her life that made her hypocrite colleagues look ugly.
Above all she will be remembered as a phenomenon of pure stardom. Her life has been a terrible metaphor for that condition. She takes her place, among the broken glass and crushed metal, in the iconography of the complex celebs often misunderstood, alongside James Dean, Jayne Mansfield and Princess Grace,Princess Diana,Elvis Presley,Marilyn Monroe. Dunno what will happen to our lovely Princess of Love -Leslie Love Tripathy.These other victims of superstardom,mediafrenzy, however, died pursued and unpursued. Now that the media attention in Leslie's life is as high as 104 degreescelsius it remains to be seen can shehave a life of privacy and peace or will she bea victim like PrincessDiana who's life was every paparazzi's dream gossip,who had a tragic end fleeing the pointed end of their own celebrity: men on motorcycles with computerized cameras and satellite-linked mobile phones. The paparazzi are the high-tech dogs of fame. But it must be admitted that we sent them into that tunnel, to nourish our own mysterious needs. let wenot causeanymore harm to this living saint whose beauty encompasses for the faces that aint in our midst anymore be it Marilyn Monroe,Mother Teresa,Greta Garbo,Diana,Audrey Hepburn.I sicerely wish she doesnt have to end her life in this dramatic fashion who hasall the signs of being a Tragic Heroine like our very own Helen of Troy and Cleopatra.Everytime i think of Leslie Tripathy,I somehow am reminded of Diana,Marilyn,Helen of Troy UNABLE TO MA
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