If Leslie Love Ann Tripathy(june 26) were a flavor of ice cream she'd be... strawberry shortcake! And mainstream India is just eating her up. This perky,lovely activist/actress with girl-next-door likeability proves that she can magnetize by simply doing what comes naturally. Cancers are the kind of folk who put you at ease, someone you're at home with just hanging out on the sofa.Sensitive, big-hearted Cancer wears her heart on her sleeve, exposing herself like a Crab without a shell - ouch! Despite her sexy image,she still has vowed to have no sex before marriage,but is shy to discuss such a private detail,she blushes and goes pale with mention of such things.she prefers privacy like other cancerians Tom Hanks(july 9),Tom Cruise(july3),Diana(july1),lindsay lohan(july 2),pamela anderson(july1),george bush(july 6),dalai lama(july 6)
In astrology, Cancer's ruling Moon measures the mood of the general public, which ebbs and flows like the tides.Patriotism, loyalty, family, and honor are Cancer themes, but so also, compassion, a guiding light in that story - eloquently expressed by Cancerian Leslie. True compassion is often born of hardship;has had a difficult childhood.
The public is nothing but changeable, and the Moon's changeable reputation is well deserved; she changes signs every two-and-a-half days.will this rosebud Cancer have what it takes to weather the media machine? Media gossip centers around her family (her father is incarcerated) and a potential eating disorder of leslie has got media abuzz.If good family relationships can heal a Cancer, bad ones can cause a lifetime of heartaches, for the Crab has a hard time letting go of hurtful memories. Cancer needs nurturing, and when she's deprived of tender loving care, her powerfully strong nurturing instinct can be turned inward, self-destructively. Food is a Cancer commodity, a symbol of nourishment and love. For bulimics, self-care has gone very wrong. Let's hope Leslie finds her way by the helpful, healing light of the Moon! Although territorial and protective, Cancer is a lover, not a fighter.Cancer is the unwitting leader of the Zodiac - a nurturing, maternal sign who understands survival needs differently than any other. Feeling Cancer knows that the emotional dynamics of a situation can be the greatest strength or threat to the integrity of the whole. Their sensitivity to discord is so strong that Cancer may sacrifice selfhood for the family or clan, causing personal misery. But if Cancer can learn how to keep effective boundaries, a strong shell forms around their vulnerable belly.
Leslie's role as peacekeeper, counselor, activist,crusador and actress are all a part of Cancer's life-promoting strategy, to ensure survival of the clan and of the species. Reluctant leader? Yes, for Cancer is a receptive yin sign, the energy moves inward, toward understanding and stabilizing a very complex inner life. Who better to lead others from primitive emotional reaction into self-awareness and understanding that benefits the whole? A Cancer, of course!
A truly awakened voice for compassion, tolerance, and world peace, her bright light shines for all.
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