Emotional and sensitive, Cancer celebrities born under the sign of the Crab -- typically June 21 to July 22 -- feel most comfortable at home. Cancer celebrities prizes family and food, anything in the domain of the mother. The Crab's shell comes in handy, because there is a safe place to withdraw when Cancer feels vulnerable. Although this sign can be moody and whiny, there is no one more likely to serve apple pie and a hot cup of milk when a friend needs comforting.
This Crab indicates a profound respect for the past, often expressed in a cautious and conservative personal style.The Moon-Mars connection in her birth chart also represents her fight to assert her individuality against the restrictive force of the conservative Indian system. Leslie, though, has never publicly shown the rebelliousness that she at times is all about off camera, instead following a more tight-lipped approach to the press. Such caution is appropriate to her Cancer Sun but it also reflects the nature of her Mars. This warrior planet is in peaceable Libra, a sign that does not like to fight, but prefers to use diplomacy and social skills to achieve its goals. Saturn -- the planet of limits -- is also conjunct Leslie's Mars. This is a highly repressive aspect that usually puts good behavior above self-interest. Individuals like Leslie or even Prince William(june 21) don't want to ripple the pond. They prefer to mask their true feelings to blend in without causing a fuss.
Leslie's more like the girl next door than one of our culture's biggest media stars.Her Sun was in the traditionally careful, conservative and family-oriented sign of Cancer. Many stories have been written about Leslie's relationship with her parents and siblings, most of which present her as deeply involved and caring individual, which fits her sign's profile.The sensitive Cancer girl has been pushed in front of the camera her whole life, and while clearly she was made for fame, it's likely that she has decidedly mixed feelings about it. If her excessive partying does damage her career, it may be due to the pressure of pushing herself so hard for so many years.And, like Cancer, makes her seem more like someone we know than some exotic creature from the faraway land of show biz. Clearly, though, her talent and looks are special, which is why she's become a star. Leslie like Princess Diana(july 1) is a Cancer, a protective sign with a strong appreciation for tradition.both diana and leslie have brought a fresh face and a new attitude to the british monarchy and conservative orissa respectively.Cancer is a protective, family-oriented sign with a great respect and appreciation for history.Acting was not simply an act of personal choice, but the dutiful behavior of a loyal Oriya girl to better the dying prospects of the oriya cinema. While she enjoyed the perks of an actresses's life at first, it quickly became clear that the strict and hypocritical rules of the acting world would be stifling for such a lively young woman.Leslie's Sun that allowed her to become lost in the dream of being a princess. She certainly expressed the positive sides of this idealistic planet through her publicly expressed compassion to the sick and poor. But the honest emotionality of her Cancer Sun made it impossible for her to stay in a hypocritical world where her talents were overlooked and injustice done to her as she had no connections or godfathers in that industry,totally treated as an outsider for she came from london.The key pattern reflects an unconventional life that shakes things up, rather than supporting the status quo. The stress created by these rebellious impulses in contrast to Leslie's security-seeking Cancer Sun must have been considerable. Clearly, though, she is a bridge between the old ways and the modern world, who suffered by trying to live in both of them.Leslie is emerging as the perfect combination of grace,charm,beauty,manners,compassionate heart.
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