Leslie Love Ann Tripathy - merely uttering her name will summon forth from the abyss a horde of rabid paparazzi. I once loved Leslie. She had the looks, the charm and that texturous golden hair. Her early music videos,commercials depicted a nice wholesome young woman with a lot of potential. You wanted to hug that adorable little innocent,vulnerable shy-wonder in 'Aama ghare joiin khoja chalichi', and being a British-Indian myself, I felt some strange gridiron connection to her.
That was before the dark times, before she moved to Bhubaneswar the capital city of Orissa.In one fell swoop, Leslie's migration coincided with her sudden deterioration, maturation, and the start of a growing list of reasons why some people loved to hate Leslie Tripathy.
A lot of us had a nice gig going,the mere amusement of watching a sweet,shy,very fair English Rose smile and looke coyly from the vulnerably sad gorgeous half opened eyes enchanting magic on everybody watching her smile on the television screens or home theatres.Leslie's radiant shyness caused us all to gasp at the mere spectacle of watching such a breath taking beauty choosing to work in Orissa of all.Comeon her beauty was heavenly and sure could put Aishwarya Rai to hibernate.
Everybody was eager to hear her utter her few oriya words from her her pink rosy voluptuous lips,she was embarassed when people laughed at her accented flawed oriya which riverberated through everybody's ears,everyword bounced back,but hey it was not her fault.but the sound of her words were like cuckoo's cooing,so sweet and subtle very feminine and sweet.She never complained of the tropical sun,which hurt her very much,her ivory skin would wither away as if it was a Touch-Me-Not plant.She was so delicate,her pink cheeks,would redden under the sun,people used to queue upto the shooting sets to catch a glimpse of this Royal British Rose.Initially she never complained be it the hot scorching tropical sun,or be it the motor mouthed rude and crude shooting crew members.She tried to hide her anguish,pain by shoving a book around her,not letting anybody her pain,because that had been her royal upbringing,never wearing emotions up her sleeves,she was a British Siff Upper-lip to the core.The language barrier made it further difficult to understand and take orders from her shooting unit members or co-stars because nobody spoke or understood english,especially the british accented english Leslie uttered.She cried in silence.
After few months she learnt to command and be in charge,she learnt oriya,she didnt allow herself to be bullied,anymore.Leslie has always been the kindest,compassionate girl the world must have witnessed after Mother Teresa,she didnt know how to react to crude comments passed at her by her rustic costars who didnt take well to her high class manners,ettiqutte.They felt intimidated by her.Men in Orissa either like to take lead over girls or have their own say,because nobody challenges their ego,but Leslie hardly wanted to kiss upto anybody.she liked to be a professional,finish her work and then leave not hang around,neither pass crude jokes nor go out on dates with those men whom she loathed for being below her standards not only academically but also by manners,culture and upbringing.She became class apart,she spoke to nobody on the sets until spoken to that too regarding her acting,she learnt how to keep a safe distance from the crooning vultures and perverts around her who looked at girls as only objects of lust and desire,and she objected and loathed the species of men for their sick minds.She became the torch bearer for many aspiring actresses who sought her advise on how to conduct themselves in public when surrounded by evil forces.Leslie was extra careful not to eat or drink anything that was offered to her on the sets or the events or parties lest the food or drinks be drugged.She never indulged in drugs,neither alcohol nor cigarettes.She became the topic of discussion everywhere,because she epitomised clean good manners,morals,ethics,strong will power despite the blind perception of people regarding people ,especially girls bred up in the West especially Europe or America.
Still people are craving to catch her in some bad act,comeon,nobody's perfect,how does she manage never to get angry,stay super cool like an ice,hey she's our Ice-Princess,besides her habits are out of the the world,she is looked upto as some expensive Doll in a Showcase,everybody wants to talk to her,touch her but hey they all are intimidated by her silence.Nobody wants to make a fool of themselves by standing like a fool unable to speak back to the gold medallist,literary champion scholar.All she talks regarding is books.Hello,she's so reserved and dignified she makes anybody's butt sweat.Goodlord,Indians dont appreciate being intimidated by a girl's intellect and classy act,never making an effort to wish anybody until that legendary human being went byself to greet this arrogant girl.Jesus Christ,its true her arrogance has attracted lot many detractors.Girls hate her because she is hugely popular,successful,beautiful,rich,has their boyfriends secretly have a crush on her.Boys hate her because they cannot touch or have the perfect girl who's no less than a saint,who still waits for her Prince-Carming without losing her virginity.She has chosen to stay a Celibate until she marries.Comeon in acting world everybody flatters the other to stay in business and stay circulated and get work from directors but here is one classy Royal dame called Leslie Tripathy who never speaks until spoken to,never joins in nor participates in any sort of gossip,treats men like dogs,is super rude and ignores men who pluck up courage to pursue her.What and who does she think she is ;Queen Elizabeth?Hate her.Hey dudes grapes are sour and hey stop chasing a rainbow,accept humiliation at the hands of a royal beauty.''After pursuing her diligently she ignored me and humiliated me infront of my friends,she hurt my male ego by not even eyeing at my direction,who does she think she is,royal classy bitch.I shall humiliate her too,she doesnt know who I'm.''
These are sentiments of people humiliated ,who couldnot win Leslie Tripathy attention.